A drinking regimen can accelerate belly fat loss in 50s, say Dietitians

It's hard enough to keep your body in fighting trim during your 50s, but it's even harder when you're not sure what you can and can't drink. Newsflash: Dietitians have good news to keep your belly fat under control!



It’s hard enough to keep your body in fighting trim during your 50s, but it’s even harder when you’re not sure what you can and can’t drink. Newsflash: Your dietitians have some good news for you! We know what types of drinks you should avoid to keep your belly fat under control, and we also know the drinks that will help you lose it. Read on for our top five tips for keeping your svelte figure—and a firm midsection—for years to come!

Drink green tea

Green tea is high in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals that can damage your cells. Free radicals are molecules that can damage healthy cells and contribute to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Green tea also contains caffeine, which boosts metabolism and increases fat burning. This makes it a great drink for weight loss!

So if you want to shed some pounds this summer by doing something healthy for your body while drinking something delicious at the same time—drink up!

Skip the fancy coffee drinks

“Coffee is a natural appetite suppressant,” says Paul Salter, RDN, LDN and founder of the health site Real Food Works. “It’s loaded with antioxidants that can help you burn fat.” If you’re drinking it black (no sugar), there’s no reason to add any calories. Black coffee also has zero sugar and no calories!

In addition to its appetite-suppressing properties, coffee contains caffeine — a stimulant that increases energy levels and alertness. Experts suggest drinking three to five cups per day for optimal results on your weight loss journey; however, limit yourself to just one cup after lunchtime since caffeine can make it harder for your body to fall asleep at night if consumed too close to bedtime.

“Caffeine makes us feel full because it stimulates our nervous system,” Salter says. “It also helps control blood sugar levels in the body by slowing down how quickly food leaves the stomach after eating.”

Limit alcohol consumption-especially before bed

  • Alcohol can interfere with sleep. If you’re not sleeping well, your body won’t be able to recover as quickly and efficiently from your workouts, which will slow down your weight loss.
  • Alcohol makes it hard to stick to your diet. Research shows that drinking alcohol increases the amount of food people eat by 20%! That’s because alcohol gives people a false sense of being full so they don’t feel hungry anymore (even though they actually are). In addition, alcohol tends to be loaded with calories, carbohydrates and fat—all things you should avoid if you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight in general.
  • Alcohol raises insulin levels after meals, leading people who drink before bedtime have higher insulin levels in their blood throughout their sleep cycle than those who do not drink before bedtime.* Increased levels of insulin can contribute toward belly fat gain over time.*

Try sparkling water

Take sparkling water, for instance. Carbonated drinks are full of sugar and calories, which can add up fast. A carbonated drink with a 12-ounce can contains 150 to 200 calories—almost as much as a small bag of potato chips! And that’s not all: carbonation can also cause bloating and gas in your stomach.

Instead, try opting for sparkling water with no added sweeteners. If you’re craving a bit more flavor, add half an ounce (1 tablespoon) of seltzer water to an 8-ounce glass of unsweetened fruit juice before drinking it—and don’t forget to stop at one glass!

Making little changes in your drinking habits can have a big impact on your belly fat.

Making little changes in your drinking habits can have a big impact on your belly fat.

Here’s what to do:

  • Drink green tea instead of coffee. You may think that your morning cup of joe will jump-start your metabolism, but research shows that green tea is better at boosting the body’s calorie-burning ability (and this holds true for both caffeinated and decaffeinated varieties). “Green tea has several compounds that aid in weight loss,” explains [dietician Sarah Krieger]. “The catechins help boost energy expenditure and also increase fat oxidation.” If you’re not a fan of hot drinks, try adding cinnamon to cold water with lemon or lime juice for an antioxidant-rich alternative.
  • Skip elaborate coffee drinks. Avoid ordering fancy lattes—they often contain more calories than plain old drip coffee! “I’d rather see my clients order black coffee with skim milk,” recommends [dietician Donnica Moore]. A small cappuccino from Starbucks contains about 300 calories; one large Frappuccino has 380 calories! That’s almost half the daily amount needed for a woman over 50 years old who eats 2,000 kcal/day (1,600 kcal/day) per day according to recommendations from the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA).


So the next time you want a drink, keep in mind what the experts say. That cup of green tea or sparkling water might be just as satisfying as your favorite specialty coffee drink-and it could help you lose weight more easily, too.

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