What are Bitcoin and Crypto coin? Things to know

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that has become incredibly popular in past years. It was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, check out some facts about bitcoin.


What to know about Bitcoin


Bitcoin is a virtual currency that has become incredibly popular in past years. It was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym for the individual or group of people who developed the currency. This article will explain the first things you need to know about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


Bitcoin is a digital currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person or group of people using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middle men – meaning, no banks! There are many benefits to Bitcoin over traditional currencies:

  • It’s fast and convenient.
  • You can send it to anyone, anywhere in the world. In seconds! No need for bank accounts or credit cards (although these could be used in addition).
  • It’s cheap to use: you can spend less than a dollar per transaction when you use Bitcoin Cash instead of your credit card.

What is the Blockchain?

The blockchain is a distributed database that keeps track of transactions in a chronological order. It’s not just any database, however; it’s a digital ledger of transactions that everyone can access and read.

It’s important to note here that there are different types of blockchains – some are public records for all to see, while others may only be accessible by certain parties. For example, one can view an individual’s bank balance online or through a smartphone app without needing permission from the bank itself. In this case, the transaction information is available via an open source ledger that anyone with access can use freely (and anonymously).

But what happens when you want more privacy? Perhaps you’re buying something illicit on the dark web or sending money overseas – then we need something like Monero’s RingCT protocol which encrypts your transaction amount so no one else sees how much money was sent (only recipient!). A public blockchain would make this difficult because everyone knows exactly how much was sent/received without having any extra information about who sent it or where it came from…

Cause and Effect

Bitcoin is a software technology that enables decentralized peer to peer transactions without involving any middlemen like a bank or an authority. It was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin uses SHA-256, which is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the U.S National Security Agency. These functions are used in various applications such as: encryption; integrity verification; message authentication and non-reversible data compression. Bitcoin has no central repository and no single administrator but it has its own unit of account called bitcoins. You can use Bitcoin to buy goods or services online just like you would with other currencies such as USD, EUR etc., but unlike most countries there is no central bank that regulates these transactions across borders (e.g., between countries).

Bitcoin can be purchased through exchanges via currency exchange brokers who put buyers together with sellers willing to trade their local currencies for Bitcoins at agreed prices (usually expressed in U$). The current value of one bitcoin is around $USD3,600 (as at Jan 2019) which compared against other major currencies makes it highly volatile and difficult to predict movements in its value over time due to its unregulated nature


Decentralization is the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority. It has many different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In general, decentralization can refer to any distribution of power or control away from a central source.

Decentralization is one of the key features that makes blockchain technology so revolutionary and attractive to Bitcoin users and investors alike. This feature allows each user to be their own bank and transact directly with other users without needing an intermediary like a bank or payment provider such as PayPal or Visa.


The term disintermediation means the removal of intermediaries from a process.

One example of where disintermediation has occurred is the Internet, which allows for direct communication between individuals without having to go through an intermediary such as a telephone company.

Another example would be blockchain technology, which can be used to remove middlemen in financial transactions. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are also an example of disintermediation because they allow consumers and merchants to transact directly with each other without using traditional currency like dollars or Euros.

Bitcoin Networking

The Bitcoin network is an open, permissionless peer-to-peer network. It means that anyone can join and participate in this global network.

Anyone can become part of the Bitcoin network by running a Bitcoin node on their computer or laptop and connecting to other nodes on the network to send and receive transactions. Anyone who wants to become the owner of a new block on top of the blockchain can do so by running mining software on their computer or laptop, which will compete against other miners’ computers in solving complex mathematical problems (proofs of work). The first one who solves these problems gets rewarded with newly minted bitcoins (12.5 BTC per block), as well as fees from all transactions included in that mined block. This process is called “mining” bitcoins because it resembles gold mining – there are only 21 million possible solutions for each problem ever created: once you find one solution for each problem, you cannot create another one – similar way as there are only approximately 2 million tons of gold available worldwide today; once found, it cannot be created again!

Revolutionize Trade and Commerce

Bitcoin Trade

Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology that can be used to revolutionize trade and commerce. The Bitcoin network allows for the transfer of value between two parties without the need for an intermediary. This means that you can buy anything from anywhere in the world, quickly and securely without having to worry about third-party interference or fraud. You also have complete control over your money because it exists on a ledger which is not subject to any government or banks regulation. As such, there are no limits on how much currency you can purchase at any given time!

In order to make transactions with Bitcoin, all one needs is internet access and some form of digital wallet (software). In layman’s terms: if you have a smartphone or tablet device then chances are very high that it already has all of these things built right into it! If not then don’t worry because there are many other ways in which one may acquire them as well: such as through online stores like Amazon where they sell everything from groceries all up until electronics components like processors/ram sticks etcetera…


We hope that this brief guide to Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency has made you do some research on your own. If you have not yet decided whether it is right for you to enter the world of digital currency, let me offer one last piece of advice: When I first heard about it, I was skeptical but curious. So I did a little more digging and found out that there were many people like me who had the same questions and concerns. They were also interested in learning what crypto was all about without having to get involved with trading or investing their own money. The best thing I can suggest is that if you think might be interested in exploring this new world more fully then take some time today to look into getting started with our introductory course!

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